Utah isn’t just for polygamy

Fresh of the plane from Salt Lake City, I present to you a serious athlete:


Let’s talk about the circumstances informing this photo.

It was April 17, and Amanda Delzell was in Salt Lake City for the first time in her adult life, having only visited on occasion through extended road trips as a child.

It’s customary in Utah to make sure that your guests are provided with PLENTY of wine upon their arrival, so I gladly accepted each glass, offset only by the pizza so heavily topped with meat that the crust drooped.

After sleeping off the wine on a futon-esque piece of cheap furniture, I woke already dressed in my running clothes: tech tee from my former running club in LA, lululemon Pace Rival skirt, some crazy-ass New Balances, and a Nike hat.

After planning for a 1.5 mile walk to the start line and discovering a more actual 2.3 mile trek, my friend Scottie (alternative name “Scoffers”) and I ended up running probably a mile or more, all while holding my backpack down from bouncing. We were still at gearcheck when the gun went off — but we made it!

And then took many successive selfies, because we decided last-minute to run while holding our phones because we had no pace goals whatsoever. (Scoffers and I both imbibed.) But we ended up at a nice casual (while at 4000+ feet elevation) 9:50/mile. So, whatevs.


(Oops, this photo was downloaded from snapchat and therefore TERRIBLE QUALITY)

I want to also take a minute to highlight one of the best, most interesting meals I’ve had. Forage has been around since 2009 and serves a ton of crazy local courses. I didn’t take any photos because SOMEONE TOOK AWAY MY PHONE (aka my sweet friend Amanda’s boyfriend, who constantly berated me for each time I checked the Mariners’ score before removing my iPhone altogether) but Scoffers took a shot of the menu:


Thankfully ol’ Aaron (the phone napper) permitted one photo. The guys were super lucky to be seated at the girl’s table.


And on a final note, sometimes taking a weekend trip because the flights are super cheap is a super good idea. You might even feel really rejuvenated and happier. Recommended. Five stars, two thumbs up, and one unicorn.

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